Cooperative Extension
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin-Extension
237 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
608-262-3322 (fax)
800-947-3529 (TTY)
December 14, 1999
Neil Newman
Newman Enterprises
452 Poygan Ave.
Omro, WI 54963
Dear Neil,
I have had a chance to evaluate your "Horse Pal" horse and deer fly trap this summer, and I can tell you it caught an impressive number of horse and deer flies. Your trap is the first commercial design of a horse fly trap that I am aware of. It is extremely well made and I can tell you put a lot of modifications to improve the design so that it will capture more flies and last for a number of years.
The benefits of this type of trap are many. It will capture and kill horse flies without the use of chemicals. It is the only way I know of reducing horse fly that works continuously. Other traps that are on the market are for other species of flies. Traps like the BIG STINKY do not work against blood feeding flies. Using good trap placement and the correct number of traps should help reduce the fly numbers considerably and help the animals. Some of the early tests with this type of trap in New York completely trapped out pasture populations of horse flies during the summer.
Unfortunately there are some species of biting flies such as the horn and stable fly which are not attracted to these traps. They have different behaviors and breeding sites that influence their biology. With the hundreds of species of flies, you can not expect any one trap to capture them all.
I hope all is going well and you and you are preparing for another busy season. I am happy to now have a company to send people to when they are looking for a way to reduce horse and deer fly populations.
Phil Pellitteri
Distinguished Outreach Specialist
Insect Diagnostic Lab
University of Wisconsin, Madison